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Our Subscription

Sis Subscription - Monthly



Every month

Monthly fee for your Sis membership!

Valid until canceled
7 day free trial

Your Sisterhood community of likeminded women.

Online meet-up 8pm every Tuesday!

10 credits every month for MySocialSister events & products.

Exclusive discounts on other wellness brands & products.

By My Social Sister

The ultimate WOMENS Membership with a twist 


How will it benefit me? 
You are going to STOP Surviving and START Thriving!


What does that mean? 
You are going to stop struggling, stop just surviving, going through the motions each day. 
We will help you WAKE UP! prioritise yourself, build connections, learn new skills and most importantly get to know who you truly are. Then you can live the life you were born to live.


How does it work?
When you sign up you will be welcomed into a safe space, your members area. This a secure area. The Home of Sisterhood Communties.
Please Expect zero judgement and 100% support 24/7.


7 day free trial available! (applied at checkout)


Best Value

Sis Subscription - Yearly



Every year

Yearly fee for your Sis membership!

Valid until canceled
7 day free trial

Your Sisterhood community of likeminded women.

Online meet-up 8pm every Tuesday!

10 credits every month for MySocialSister events & products.

Exclusive discounts on other wellness brands & products.

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