The Power of Reflection
The new year is here, if you haven’t already, now is the time to reflect on everything that happened in your life in 2021. Not just your highlight reel, the nitty gritty parts, too. We recently listened to a podcast from Jay Shetty, who shared 9 questions that you can use to reflect on the past, to show up as your best self in the future. Use these questions as journal prompts to welcome in YOUR new year productively, confidently and accountably.
What made you feel most happy this year?
What made you unhappy this year?
What was the biggest lesson you learned this past year?
What do you wish you would have done more of this year?
What's something you want to do less of next year?
What was your biggest success this year?
When was a moment you failed this year?
What is something you want to learn next year?
What is your favourite way to refuel?
Although we may feel we had little control over the year before and this year remains uncertain, you always have control over how you perceive things. Practice gratitude and shift your mindset next year, our 90-Day Self Investment Journal is a fabulous place to start! In an extraordinary year, we’ve been so grateful for your extraordinary support… thank you, and cheers to new beginnings!